
The What, Who, When, Where and Why of Epinephrine

Posted on February 24, 2020 by in EpiPen

Over the years, I’ve found that patients have a lot of important questions about epinephrine. Here are some answers. What is epinephrine? Epinephrine, or epi, is a form of adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone that is naturally produced in our bodies and is released in emotional situations that cause fear or anger—commonly called the “fight

Ask a Doctor: Is my EpiPen still good?

Posted on October 2, 2019 by in Allergies, EpiPen

A patient recently asked me how to tell whether her EpiPen® was still usable. Knowing that other patients may have the same question, I’d be happy to provide some answers. An EpiPen® allows a person to inject epinephrine (adrenaline) into the body when a severe anaphylactic reaction takes place, often caused by a bee sting or food allergies.